Friday, 21 June 2013

conventions of the music promo

Conventions of camera work

Uses close ups and mid shots to show the instruments and performers close up to identify them and shows them playing panning and tracking to show movement through the story of the video if it has one. They sometimes in a heavy metal song use a 1st person shots and the view of the audience. They sometimes will normally look in to the camera which breaks the rules of conventions because when you film the actor or band shouldn’t look in to the camera  

Conventions of editing / editing effects

They usually cut to the beat of the song and depending on the genre it will depend on the genre. They often used sound effects and visual effect in the older videos not so much with modern videos and they now often use a green screens to place the band in a location which is less cost effects

Conventions of mise-en-scene

Use of instruments to show that they are actually playing however often in pop they show no instruments because they are just vocalists also how the location links to the genre of the music and often involve a cast in all genres. Costume depends on genre because pop will be less clothed people appealing to a younger market and then metal does not depend on costume because you are there for the music.

Conventions Narrative / performance

 Links with lyrics throughout the video however bands are more linked with live performances and will also often use Intertextuality. Narratives can make you want to watch the video over and over again. Narrative is often not conventional and does not have a start middle and an end

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